About Twin Flames

The origin of a twin flame is lost in time and myth. The first known written mention of twin flames is in the work of Plato – Symposium. Reference is made to the theory that each soul was complete and split itself apart into two halves or twin souls. One half represents the masculine (light) and the other half represents the feminine (darkness).

The concept is that an original soul was once complete but that now it is incomplete and must seek out and join with (romantically) its other half. It is a romantic ideal which is probably much distorted.

The first time I came across the concept of twin flames was in the readings of Edgar Cayce. He makes several references to twin flames most notably that the twin flame of Jesus was his mother Mary.

Another theory handed down from the ancient mystery schools relates that consciousness (the soul) decided to inhabit matter (animate and inanimate objects). At that time consciousness was unified and could slip in and out of material objects (tress, plants, minerals) at will and rejoin with the creator. As the desire for expansion grew so did separation from unity consciousness until it reached a point at which a group of unified souls made the decision to divide into two halves. In this way duality was created and humanity has been in separation and duality ever since. Only through the divine union of the sexual act can unification be manifested.

In our modern society one of the biggest misconceptions of twin flames is that we are seeking to reunite with our other half. The media feeds us the idea that we experience lack in some way and only through reunification with an external element (another human being) can we become complete. This is a misconception.

Meeting a twin flame, or an aspect of ourselves in another body, is an unforgettable experience but frequently confused with meeting a soul mate. A soul mate is someone with whom we have incarnated before. There is an element of recognition and purpose in meeting a soul mate. However It could be argued that everyone we meet throughout the entire course of our lives is a soul mate. If we are all One then logically this means everyone in the world is a soul mate.

A twin flame, on the other hand, is an aspect of our own, unique, energetic signature. They are a reflection of ourselves with our own unique blend of strengths and weaknesses. The purpose of meeting a twin flame is consciousness expansion and inner growth. They turn up in your life to help you grow and to assist in inner healing. A big part of that inner healing can be in separation. A twin flame connection is not necessarily about romantic love though often is.

The central idea about twin flames is that there is only one set of twins. I question this concept. A soul has infinite potential and could divide itself into multiple pairs. We should not try to limit consciousness with linear thinking. We do not know enough about the soul and the universe in which we live.

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